As early as 1963, Professor Shu huan Wang car ried out experiments on rabbit ear on microsurgical repair of vessels smaller than 1 mm diameter; and led the development of microsurgical instruments and sutures. The technique was successfully applied to clinical replantation of the digits in 1965. He was instrumental in the formation of the Chinese hand surgery group in 1984. In 1994, the group was formally established as the Hand Surgery Society of the Chinese Medical Association, and Professor Wang served as its first Chairman.
Professor Wang published the first Chinese textbook on Hand Surgery in 1978, which has been reprinted many times, and a second edition was published in 1999. This book has become the standard reference text for Hand Surgery in China. Professor Wan g also served as first Editor in chief of the Chinese Journal of Hand Surgery in 1993.
Under the leadership of Professor Wang and other predecessors, the department of hand surgery has thrived and is now a national ly accredited accredited advanced training center for hand surgeons. advanced training center for hand surgeons. Currently, tCurrently, there here are 40 hand surgeons in this departmentare 40 hand surgeons in this department. . Every year we trained over Every year we trained over 80 80 hand fellows hand fellows from afrom arround theound the countrycountry, as well as from other countries, as well as from other countries. More than 30,000More than 30,000 hand procedures hand procedures done in this center, done in this center, including hand including hand trauma, microsurgery, wrist surgery, peripheral nerve and brachial plexus trauma, microsurgery, wrist surgery, peripheral nerve and brachial plexus nerve surgery,nerve surgery, andand congenital hand conditionscongenital hand conditions. The department has . The department has contributedcontributed signsignificantlyificantly to the advancement of wrist surgery,to the advancement of wrist surgery, both open both open and and arthroscoparthroscopicic,, wwhich hich isis in in the the leading position in China and also leading position in China and also enjoyed a highenjoyed a high reputation worldwide.
Our recent peer--reviewed publications in wrist surgery include:reviewed publications in wrist surgery include:
1. Liu B, Chen SL, Zhu J, et al. Arthroscopic Management of Perilunate Liu B, Chen SL, Zhu J, et al. Arthroscopic Management of Perilunate Injuries. Hand Clin. Injuries. Hand Clin. 2017;33(4):7092017;33(4):709--715.715.
2. Liu B, Chen SL, Zhu J, et al. Arthroscopically Assisted MiniLiu B, Chen SL, Zhu J, et al. Arthroscopically Assisted Mini--Invasive Invasive Management of Perilunate Dislocations.Management of Perilunate Dislocations. J Wrist Surg 2015;4(2):93J Wrist Surg 2015;4(2):93––100.100.
3. Liu B, Wu F, Chen S, Liu B, Wu F, Chen S, et al. et al. RobotRobot--assisted percutaneous scaphoid assisted percutaneous scaphoid fracture fixation: a repofracture fixation: a report of ten patients.rt of ten patients. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2019 May J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2019 May 16:1753193419848595. 16:1753193419848595.
4. Liu B, Wu F, Ng CY. Wrist arthroscopy for the treatment of scaphoid Liu B, Wu F, Ng CY. Wrist arthroscopy for the treatment of scaphoid delayed or nonunions and judging the need for bone grafting. J Hand delayed or nonunions and judging the need for bone grafting. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2019;44(6):Surg Eur Vol. 2019;44(6):594594--599.599.
5. Liu B, Ng CY, Arshad MS, et al. WideLiu B, Ng CY, Arshad MS, et al. Wide--Awake Wrist and Small Joints Awake Wrist and Small Joints Arthroscopy of the Hand. Hand Clin. 2019;35(1): 85Arthroscopy of the Hand. Hand Clin. 2019;35(1): 85--92. 92.
6. Liu B, Fok M. AllLiu B, Fok M. All--arthroscopic Reconstruction of Chronic Foveal arthroscopic Reconstruction of Chronic Foveal Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tears with a Tendon GTriangular Fibrocartilage Complex Tears with a Tendon Graft. Asian raft. Asian Journal of Arthroscopy. 2017;2(2):8Journal of Arthroscopy. 2017;2(2):8--10.10.
In our center, we have regular fellowship program to accept ASSH fellow (American Society for Surgery of the Hand) and APWA fellow.
We welcome any fellowship application from IWC or any country worldwide. The fellows will follow a mentor and get access to the clinic, as well as observe the operations. There is no limitation for the duration of the fellowship(from 2 weeks to 3 month or longer).
Contact Liu Bo
Consultant and Director Hand Surgery Department. |
Dr Bo LIU |
Consultant and Assistant Director Hand Surgery Department |
Dr. Jin ZHU |
Associate Consulant , Hand Surgery Department |