Was created in 1992 and is a reference centre in west of France for the treatment of pathologies of the upper limb from the hand to the shoulder.
We care for more than 20,000 patients per year with a 24/7 hand emergency unit within Santé Atlantique, a modern private hospital campus founded in 2018 in Saint-Herblain near Nantes in western France. The centre is FESUM and FESSH accredited trauma center.
Our care offer is complete up to congenital hand surgery, with poles of excellence (pyrocarbon arthroplasty, arthroscopy) and innovation (Walant, echosurgery).
Our unit and hand surgery team have got from french academic and university institutions the accredation for education and training in hand surgery to fellows and residents. So far, more than 60 residents have been trained during a minimum of 6 months.
We are involved in research with multiple communications and annual publications, and we have a humanitarian surgery activity via the association Main du Monde and numerous missions.
Our team is composed of 10 associated surgeons:
- Dr Ludovic Ardouin
- Dr Philippe Bellemère
- Dr Yves Bouju
- Dr Alexandre Fournier
- Dr Yves Kerjean
- Dr Flore-Anne Lecoq
- Dr Victor Lestienne
- Dr Marc Leroy
- Dr Thierry Loubersac
- Dr Youssouf Tanwin
Accompanied by a team of junior surgeons (assistants, junior doctors, interns, fellows)
And specialists in the management of upper limb pathologies with dedicated anesthesiologists, hand physiotherapists (care and splints) and psychologists.
As such, we can provide you with comprehensive training and the opportunity to publish.
Our location :
Institut de la Main Nantes Atlantique
Elsan Santé Atlantique
Boulevard Charles Gautier
44 800 Saint-Herblain France
Our contact :
Doctor Ludovic ARDOUIN ludovicardouin@me.com